An open high limit error on a furnace means the heating system turns off the fuel to prevent overheating. Ultimately, it is a key safety component of your furnace.

A high limit error could be caused by Poor Airflow from the furnace. What to check to see if you have poor airflow?

Start with the easiest thing, check your furnace filter. If there is any doubt, change the air filter and see if this corrects the error.

You may also check your registers in your home. Make sure you do not have several registers closed off restricting the flow of air. Make sure they are all open and if it

If that doesn’t solve your issue you will want to have a furnace professional inspect your system (Book Online). This high limit is what protects your furnace and is a key safety device on your furnace.

You may consider booking a Furnace Tune-up as this may help solve your problem. If your furnace has completely stopped heating you will want to book a repair call to get this resolved quickly.

What is a professional likely to find during the furnace inspection?

– Dirty evaporator coil that will need to be cleaned
– Blower wheel that has a build-up of dirt that will need to be cleaned
– Defective primary heat exchanger that will need to be replaced
– Restricted secondary heat exchanger that will need to be replaced
– Blower motor not working that will need to be replaced
– There is other things that could be wrong but those listed are the most common.

There is a difference between a high limit switch and a rollout switch on a furnace!

Anything to do with a rollout switch error should be addressed by a professional right away. Some rollout switches are resettable but there is usually, never a good reason the rollout switch was tripped.

When it comes to your heating system you always want to put safety first.

Furnace found with a bad roll out switch. This is a clogged secondary heat exchanger.
Furnace found with a bad roll out switch. This is a clogged secondary heat exchanger.
Furnace found with a bad high limit switch. This is a defective or "cracked" primary heat exchanger.
Heat exchanger found with a bad high limit switch. This is a defective or “cracked” primary heat exchanger.